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Song of the Cid: A Dual-Language Edition with Parallel Text
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Poem of the Cid: A Bilingual Edition with Parallel Text
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Selected Writings of Rubén Darío
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Stories and Poems of Rubén Darío: A Dover Dual-Language Book
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Mike Mulligan y su Maquina Maravillosa
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Dragones y tacos [Dragons Love Tacos in Spanish]
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Abran paso a los patitos [Make Way for Ducklings in Spanish]
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Un dia de nieve [A Snowy Day in Spanish]
El Cuento de Ferdinando
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American Gods
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Cuentos completos [Complete Stories]
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La casa de los spiritus [House of Spirits]
Gabriela Mistral: En verso y en prosa: Antología (Real Academia Española) / In Verse and Prose. An Anthology
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Rayuela / Hopscotch. Commemorative Edition
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Yo el supremo. Edición conmemorativa/ I the Supreme. Commemorative Edition
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El señor presidente 
sold out
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La Colmena
Borges Esencial
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Don Quijote de la Mancha
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Cien Anos de Soledad [One Hundred Years of Solitude]
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Poema de Mio Cid (Seleccion): A Dual Language Book
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Spanish Stories [Dover Dual Language]
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First Spanish Reader [A Beginner's Dual-Language Book]
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A Second Spanish Reader [Dover Dual Language Series]
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Mexican Short Stories / Cuentos Mexicanos: Dover Dual Language
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Spanish-American Short Stories / Cuentos hispanoamericanos
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Short Stories by the Generation of 1898 / Cuentos de la Generación de 1898
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Great Spanish and Latin American Short Stories of the 20th Century / Grandes cuentos españoles y latinoamericanos del siglo XX: A Dual-Language Book
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Nine Centuries of Spanish Literature [Dover Dual Language Series]