Folk Horror Short Stories [Beyond and Within Series]
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Bound in Blood: Stories of Cursed Books, Damned Libraries and Unearthly Authors
Sale Price:$25.19 Original Price:$27.99
Sinophagia: A Celebration of Chinese Horror
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The Penguin Book of Demons
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In These Hallowed Halls: A Dark Academia Anthology
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Damnable Tales: A Folk Horror Anthology
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The People In the Castle: Selected Strange Stories
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Tales for Twilight: Two Hundred Years of Scottish Ghost Stories
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Dark Encounters: A Collection of Ghost Stories
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Weird Tales: 100 Years of Weird
Sale Price:$25.19 Original Price:$27.99
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Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology
They're Here! There Goes the Neighborhood
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The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories That Inspired the Netflix Series
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The Horned God: Weird Tales of the Great God Pan
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True Irish Ghost Stories: Haunted Houses, Banshees, Poltergeists, and Other Supernatural Phenomena
The Necronomicon: Tales of Eldritch Horror from the Masters of the Genre
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The Cold Embrace: Weird Stories by Women
Women's Weird: Strange Stories by Women, 1890-1940
Women's Weird 2: More Strange Stories by Women, 1891-1937
The Villa and the Vortex: Supernatural Stories, 1916-1924
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Classic Campfire Stories: Forty Spooky Tales
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Japanese Ghost Stories
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In Ghostly Japan: Japanese Legends of Ghosts, Yokai, Yurei and Other Oddities
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The Weird Tales of William Hope Hodgson
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Ghost Stories of M.R. James
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Ghostly Tales: Spine-chilling Stories of the Victorian Age
Horseman: A Tale of Sleepy Hollow
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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories
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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Tales
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The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories
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The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
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The Monkey's Paw and Other Tales of Mystery and the Macabre
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Selected Stories of Saki
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Shirley Jackson: Novels and Stories
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Classic Tales of Horror [Canterbury Classics edition]
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The Haunted Looking Glass
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Ghost Stories
Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens
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Penguin Book of Ghost Stories
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Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio
Ghost Stories
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Classic Ghost Stories
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Hauntings and Other Fantastic Tales
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Roald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories
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Mortal Echoes: Encounters With The End
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The Best of Richard Matheson
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Six Ghost Stories
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The Portable Edgar Allan Poe
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Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
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The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales
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The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe
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Edgar Allan Poe: Stories and Poems
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
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Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe [Word Cloud Classics edition]
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Carmilla [Deluxe hardcover edition from Pushkin Press]
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Green Tea and Other Weird Stories
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In a Glass Darkly
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Best Ghost Stories of J.S. Le Fanu
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The Wyvern Mystery
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Uncle Silas
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The Vampyre and Other Tales of the Macabre
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Horror Stories: Classic Tales from Hoffman to Hodgson
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The Great God Pan and Other Horror Stories
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The White People and Other Weird Stories
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Five Victorian Ghost Novels
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Brothers Grimm: Selected Tales
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The Turn of the Screw and Other Ghost Stories
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The Turn of the Screw
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Of Cats and Elfins: Short Tales and Fantasies
Kingdoms of Elfin
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Nine Horrors and A Dream
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The Shapes of Midnight
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The Ghost Pirates
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Great Horror Stories
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The Vampyre, The Werewolf, and Other Gothic Tales of Horror
The Mummy: A Victorian Tale of the 22nd Century
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Great Weird Tales
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The Thing at the Foot of the Bed and Other Scary Tales
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Dracula [Everyman's Library edition]
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Dracula [Vintage edition]
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Dracula [Bantam Classic edition]
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Dracula [Oxford World's Classics edition]
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Dracula [Penguin Classics edition]
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Drácula / Dracula [Spanish edition]
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Dracula [Word Cloud Classics edition]
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Dracula [Chartwell edition]