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Smallmouth Bass Flies Top to Bottom
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Searching for Home Waters: A Brook Trout Pilgrimage
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The Orvis Guide to Finding Trout
All the Time in the World
Sale Price:$25.19 Original Price:$27.99
Body of Water: A Sage, A Seeker, and the World's Most Alluring Fish
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Six Fish Limit: Stories from the Far Side of Fly Fishing
Sale Price:$24.29 Original Price:$26.99
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Trout Tracks: Essays on Fly Fishing
Illuminated by Water: Fly Fishing and the Allure of the Natural World
Sale Price:$25.15 Original Price:$27.95
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Reading the Water: Fly Fishing, Fatherhood, and Finding Strength in Nature
Sale Price:$25.19 Original Price:$27.95
Headwaters: The Adventures, Obsessions, and Evolution of a Fly Fisherman
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Fishing the Wild Waters: An Angler's Search for Peace and Adventure in the Wilderness
Sale Price:$24.25 Original Price:$26.95
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Favorite Flies for Pennsylvania: 50 Essential Patterns from Local Experts
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The Little Black Book of Fly Fishing: 201 Tips to Make You a Better Angler
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The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing
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Great American Fishing Stories [Lyons Press Classics]
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The Best Fishing Stories Ever Told: 50+ Classic Tales
The Optimist: A Case for the Fly Fishing Life
Sale Price:$23.40 Original Price:$26.00
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Home Waters: A Chronicle of Family and a River
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Trout Water: A Year on the Au Sable
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The Unreasonable Virtue of Fly Fishing
Fishing Stories
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The Art of Angling: Poems about Fishing
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A Cast in the Woods: A Story of Fly Fishing, Fracking, and Floods in the Heart of Trout Country
Bass, Pike, Perch and Others: The Classic Reference Guide to Eastern North American Game Fish
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The Orvis Guide to Beginning Fly Fishing: 101 Tips for the Absolute Beginner
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L.L. Bean Fly-Fishing Handbook
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The Earth is Enough: Growing Up in a World of Flyfishing, Trout, & Old Men
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On the Spine of Time: A Flyfisher's Journey Among Mountain People, Streams & Trout
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In That Sweet Country: Uncollected Writings of Harry Middleton
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Dumb Luck and the Kindness of Strangers
Standing in a River Waving a Stick
Another Lousy Day in Paradise [and] Dances with Trout
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All Fishermen Are Liars
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Dances With Trout
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Even Brook Trout Get the Blues
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No Shortage of Good Days
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Sex, Death, and Fly-Fishing
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A Fly Rod of Your Own
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Death, Taxes, and Leaky Waders: A John Gierach Fly-Fishing Treasury
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View from Rat Lake
Trout Bum
Fool's Paradise
At the Grave of the Unknown Fisherman
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Where the Trout Are All As Long As Your Leg
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Flies in the Water, Fish in the Air: A Personal Introduction to Fly-Fishing
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Fisherman's Spring
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Fisherman's Summer
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A Fisherman's Fall
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A Fisherman's Winter
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A River Never Sleeps
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Return to the River
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Trout Magic
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The Longest Silence: A Life in Fishing
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The Habit of Rivers: Reflections on Trout Streams and Fly Fishing
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Fly Fishing Through the Midlife Crisis
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An American Angler in Australia
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Tales of the Angler's Eldorado, New Zealand
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Tales of Southern Rivers
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Tales of Fishes
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Tales of Freshwater Fishing
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Tales of Fishing Virgin Seas
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The Founding Fish
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On the Trout Stream with Joe Humphreys: Updated with New Fly Pattern Photos
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Joe Humphreys's Trout Tactics: Updated & Expanded
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Live the Stream: The Story of Joe Humphrreys DVD
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Simple Fly Fishing: Techniques for Tenkara and Rod & Reel
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Fishing: A Golden Guide
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Basic Fishing: A Beginner's Guide
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The Orvis Guide to Reading Trout Streams
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A River Runs Through It and Other Stories [paperback]
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A River Runs Through It and Other Stories [hardcover]
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Big Two-Hearted River: The Centennial Edition
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The Nick Adams Stories
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The River Why
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The Compleat Angler
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The Compleat Angler or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation