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The Ross Macdonald Collection: 11 Classic Lew Archer
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Four Novels of the 1950s: The Way Some People Die | The Barbarous Coast | The Doomsters | The Galton Case
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Three Novels of the Early 1960s: The Zebra-Striped Hearse | The Chill | The Far Side of the Dollar
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Four Later Novels: Black Money, The Instant Enemy, The Goodbye Look, The Underground Man
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The Drowning Pool
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The Barbarous Coast
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The Goodbye Look
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The Ferguson Affair
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The Moving Target
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The Way Some People Die
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The Ivory Grin
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Meet Me at the Morgue
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Find a Victim
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The Doomsters
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The Galton Case
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The Wycherly Woman
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The Zebra-Striped Hearse
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The Chill
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Black Money
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The Far Side of the Dollar
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The Instant Enemy
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The Underground Man
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Sleeping Beauty
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The Blue Hammer
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The Three Roads
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Blue City
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The Dark Tunnel
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Trouble Follows Me
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Meanwhile There Are Letters: The Correspondence of Eudora Welty and Ross Macdonald
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Beast in View
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Women Crime Writers of the 1950s
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Collected Millar: The Master at Her Zenith: Vanish in an Instant; Wives and Lovers; Beast in View; An Air That Kills; The Listening Walls
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Collected Millar: First Things, Last Things: Banshee; Spider Webs; It's All In The Family; Collected Short Fiction
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Collected Millar: Legendary Novels of Suspense: A Stranger in My Grave; How Like An Angel; The Fiend; Beyond This Point Are Monsters
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Collected Millar: The Tom Aragon Novels: Ask for Me Tomorrow; The Murder of Miranda; Mermaid
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Collected Millar: The First Detectives: The Invisible Worm; The Weak-Eyed Bat; The Devil Loves Me; Wall of Eyes; The Iron Gates
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Collected Millar: The Dawn of Domestic Suspense: Fire Will Freeze; Experiment In Springtime; The Cannibal Heart; Do Evil In Return; Rose's Last Summer
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Women Crime Writers: Four Suspense Novels of the 1950s: Mischief / The Blunderer / Beast in View / Fools' Gold
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Crime Novels: Four Classic Thrillers 1964-1969