all time favorite cowboy stories.jpg
All-Time Favorite Cowboy Stories
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Classic Westerns: Six Novels by Owen Wister, Zane Grey, Max Brand, and Willa Cather
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The Western: Four Classic Novels of the 1940s and 50s
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Fire on the Mountain
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The Monkey Wrench Gang
The Spoilers: A Klondike Gold Rush Adventure
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Taken By the Shawnee
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Flying U Ranch
A Woman of the People
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Josey Wales: Two Westerns
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The Ox-Bow Incident
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White Desert and Port Hazard [two novels]
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One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd
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The Vengeance of Mothers: The Journals of Margaret Kelly and Molly McGill
Strongheart: The Lost Journals of May Dodd and Molly McGill
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Mountain Man
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Riders of the Purple Sage [Modern Library edition]
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Riders of the Purple Sage [Penguin Classic edition]
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Riders of the Purple Sage [Dover Classics edition]
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The Mysterious Rider
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The Last Trail
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Riders of the Purple Sage [Pinnacle edition]
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Rides of the Purple Sage and The Rainbow Trail
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Betty Zane and To the Last Man [Betty Zane #1 Ohio Frontier Trilogy]
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The Lone Star Ranger and The Mysterious RIder
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The Desert of Wheat
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Big Sky
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The Way West
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Fair Land, Fair Land
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These Thousand Hills
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Under the BIg Sky: A Biography of A.B. Guthrie, Jr.
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The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Writings
The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Short Stories
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Bugles in the Afternoon
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The Snow Child
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To the Bright Edge of the World
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Ramona [Modern Library edition or Signet Classic edition]
from $6.95
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News of the World
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Simon the Fiddler
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Enemy Women
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Stormy Weather
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The Color of Lightning
man who shot liberty valance.jpeg
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, A Man Called Horse, The Hanging Tree, Lost Sister
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The Good Old Boys and The Smiling Country
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The Cowboy Way: Stories
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Hanging Judge and Bowie's Mine [two novels]
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Wild West: Stories
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Hard Ride: Stories
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Bitter Trail and Barbed Wire [two novels]
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Sons of Texas and The Raiders [two novels]
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Jericho's Road and A Hard Trail to Follow [two novels]
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Ranger's Trail and Texas Vendetta [two novels]
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Sometimes a Great Notion
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Borden Chantry [Lost Treasures series]
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Bowdrie: Stories [Lost Treasures series]
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The Broken Gun
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The Californios
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The Cherokee Trail
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Comstock Lode [Lost Treasures series]
from $5.99
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Dark Canyon
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Down the Long Hills [Lost Treasures series]
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The Empty Land [Lost Treasures series]
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Fair Blows the Wind [Lost Treasures series]
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Fallon [Lost Treasures series]
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The Ferguson Rifle
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From the Listening Hills: Stories
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Guns of the Timberlands
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The Haunted Mesa [Lost Treasures series]
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Heller with a Gun
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High Lonesome
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Hondo [Lost Treasures series]
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How the West Was Won [Lost Treasures series]
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The Key-Lock Man [Lost Treaures series]
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Kid Rodelo [Lost Treasures series]
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Kilkenny [Lost Treasures series]
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Last Stand at Papago Wells
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Law of the Desert Born: Stories
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Law of the Desert Born Graphic Novel
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The Lonesome Gods [Lost Treasures series]
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The Man Called Noon [Lost Treasures series]
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The Man from the Broken Hills
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Matagorda / The First Fast Draw
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Milo Talon
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Monument Rock: Stories
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The Mountain Valley War
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No Traveller Returns [Lost Treasures series]
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North to the Rails
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Over on the Dry Side [Lost Treasures series]
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Passin' Through [Lost Treasures series]
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The Quick and the Dead
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Reilly's Luck [Lost Treasures series]
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The Rider of Lost Creek
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Riding for the Brand: Stories
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Rivers West
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Shalako [Lost Treasures series]
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Taggart [Lost Treasures series]
from $5.99
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The Tall Stranger
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Valley of the Sun: Stories
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The Walking Drum [Lost Treasures series]
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War Party: Stories
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West of Dodge: Stories
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Westward the Tide [Lost Treasures series]
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Yondering: Stories [Lost Treasures series]
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Sackett's Land [#1 in The Sacketts series]
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To the Far Blue Mountains [#2 in The Sacketts series]
from $6.99
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The Warrior's Path [#3 in The Sacketts series]
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Jubal Sackett [#4 in The Sacketts series]
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Ride the River [#5 in The Sacketts series]
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The Daybreakers [#6 in The Sacketts series]
from $6.99
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Lando [#7 in The Sacketts series]
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Sackett [#8 in The Sacketts series]
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Mojave Crossing [#9 in The Sacketts series]
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Mustang Man [#10 in The Sacketts series]
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The Lonely Men [#11 in The Sacketts series]
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Galloway [#12 in The Sacketts series]
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Treasure Mountain [#13 in The Sacketts series]
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Lonely on the Mountain [#14 in The Sacketts series]
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Ride the Dark Trail [#15 in The Sacketts series]
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The Sackett Brand [#16 in The Sacketts series]
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The Sky-Liners [#17 in The Sacketts series]
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The Sackett Companion: The Facts Behind the Fiction
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The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour volume 1: Frontier Stories
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The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour volume 2: Frontier Stories
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The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour volume 3: Frontier Stories
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The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour volume 4 part 1: Adventure Stories
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The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour volume 4 part 2: Adventure Stories
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The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour volume 5: Frontier Stories
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The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour volume 6, part 1: Crime Stories
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The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour volume 6, part 2: Crime Stories
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The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour, volume 7: Frontier Stories
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Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures volume 1: Mysterious Stories, Lost Notes, and Unfinished Manuscripts
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Louis L'Amours Lost Treasures volume 2: More Mysterious Stories, Unfinished Manuscripts, and Lost Notes
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Education of a Wandering Man: A Memoir
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The Louis L'Amour Companion: The Indispensable Guide to the Life and Work of America's Favorite Storyteller
The Thicket
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Elmore Leonard: Westerns
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The Complete Western Stories of Elmore Leonard
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Last Stand at Saber River
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Valdez Is Coming
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Forty Lashes Less One
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Lord Grizzly
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The Wake of Forgiveness
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All the Pretty Horses [The Border Trilogy #1]
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The Crossing [The Border Trilogy #2]
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Cities of the Plain [The Border Trilogy #3]
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The Border Trilogy [Everyman's Library edition]
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No Country for Old Men
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Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West
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The Mark of Zorro
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Crow Fair: Stories
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Driving on the Rim
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Gallatin Canyon: Stories
Cloudbursts: Collected and New Stories
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The Cadence of Grass
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Nothing But Blue Skies
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Keep the Change
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Nobody's Angel
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Something to be Desired
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The Bushwhacked Piano
Dead Man's Walk [Book 1 in the Lonesome Dove tetralogy]
Comanche Moon [Book 2 in the Lonesome Dove tetralogy]
Lonesome Dove [Book 3 of the Lonesome Dove tetralogy]
Streets of Laredo [Book 4 in the Lonesome Dove tetralogy]
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The Contract Surgeon
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The Indian Agent
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House Made of Dawn [50th Anniversary Edition]
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Appaloosa [Cole & Hitch #1]
from $9.99
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Resolution [Cole & Hitch #2]
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Brimstone [Cole & Hitch #3]
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Blue-Eyed Devil [Cole & Hitch #4]
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Charles Portis: Collected Works
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True Grit [50th Anniversary Edition]
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True Grit
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Masters of Atlantis
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The Dog of the South
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Escape Velocity: Collected Nonfiction, Short Stories, and Drama
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The Big Rock Candy Mountain
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Angle of Repose
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These Is My Words: The Diary of Srah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901
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Winter Wheat
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The Curlew's Cry
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If a Lion Could Talk
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Unless the Wind Turns
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Winter in the Blood
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Butcher's Crossing
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The Virginian [Oxford edition]