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Philip Roth: The Biography
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Philip Roth: A Counterlife
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Here We Are: My Friendship with Philip Roth
The Humbling
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Exit Ghost
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The Dying Animal
Our Gang
Our Gang
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The Human Stain
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I Married a Communist
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An American Pastoral
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The Plot Against America
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Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories
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Portnoy's Complaint
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Zuckerman Unbound
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Letting Go
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Sabbath's Theater
The Counterlife
Patrimony: A True Story
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The Anatomy Lesson
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The Prague Orgy
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The Ghost Writer
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The Great American Novel
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When She Was Good
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Operation Shylcok: A Confession
The Breast
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The Professor of Desire
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My Life as a Man
The Facts: A Novelist's Autobiography
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Reading Myself and Others:
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Shop Talk: A Writer and His Colleagues and Their Work
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Why Write? Collected Nonfiction 1960-2013
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Novels 2001-2007
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The American Trilogy 1997-2000
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Novels 1993-1995
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Novels and Other Narratives
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Zuckerman Bound: A Trilogy and Epilogue 1979-1985
sold out
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Novels 1973-1977
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Novels 1967-1972
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Novels and Stories 1959-1962
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Herzog [Penguin Deluxe edition with an introduction by Philip Roth]
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Herzog [Penguin Classics edition with an introduction by Philip Roth]
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Other Men's Daughters [introduction by Philip Roth]
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A Fanatic Heart: Selected Stories [foreword by Philip Roth]