Storytelling is a human condition (and it is certainly used by non-human species, but translation is waiting on that). Literature is a world-wide manifestation of the condition. I think it is important to pay attention to what language is the home for the storytelling. Not only does Whistlestop carry hundreds of translations of world literature, but where we can we carry the originals, sometimes in dual-language format. For fun we also carry a few titles of contemporary books back-translated into Latin. Try it — you will amazed at how much your brain is fired up when you read a different language!
First Spanish Reader [A Beginner's Dual-Language Book]
First Spanish Reader [A Beginner's Dual-Language Book]
Especially designed for the beginning student, this handy volume helps students learn Spanish by presenting simple, easy-to-read adaptations of classic Spanish stories and other material — with complete faithful English translations on the facing pages.
The selections, by significant writers of the past and present (Don Juan Manuel, Luis Taboada, Juan José Milla, Eufronio Viscarra, Ricardo Palma, Lope de Rueda, Enrique Amorim, Juan José Arreola, and other noted writers), derive from the best and most genuine Hispanic tradition, and are revealing of the life and psychology of the Spanish-speaking peoples.
The dual-language book will enable those readers with the most limited knowledge of the language to enjoy reading in the original Spanish from the very first day of instruction. Vocabularies and exercises are included as special aids for the student.
Dover Original.