Storytelling is a human condition (and it is certainly used by non-human species, but translation is waiting on that). Literature is a world-wide manifestation of the condition. I think it is important to pay attention to what language is the home for the storytelling. Not only does Whistlestop carry hundreds of translations of world literature, but where we can we carry the originals, sometimes in dual-language format. For fun we also carry a few titles of contemporary books back-translated into Latin. Try it — you will amazed at how much your brain is fired up when you read a different language!
Bonjour Tristesse [English description]
Bonjour Tristesse [English description]
The villa is beautiful, the hot summer, the nearby Mediterranean. Cecile is seventeen years old. She knows of love only kisses, appointments, lassitude. Not for a long time. His widowed father is a happy adept of passing and unimportant connections. They have fun, they do not need anyone, they are happy. The visit of a woman of heart, intelligent and calm, comes to disturb this delicious disorder. How to dismiss the threat? In the burning pine forest, a cruel game is being prepared.
It was the summer of 1954. For the first time we heard the dry, fast voice of a "charming little monster" that was going to cause a scandal. The second half of the 20th century began. She would be like this teenager torn between remorse and the cult of pleasure.