Young Adult Graphic Literature
As with fiction and memoirs, some of the most amazing, innovative, and progressive literature these days is in the Young Adult category. This spirit and energy are likewise in YA Graphic Lit. I sometimes think of this as Beyond Comics. Perhaps it is a return to what Winsor McCay tried to teach us in Little Nemo a hundred years ago (launched 1905, ended 1927): tell a story a different way, take advantage of the visual medium, use the freedom to borrow from all categories and styles. Enjoy!
Dork Diaries #5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All
Dork Diaries #5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All
When Miss Know-It-All's inbox overflows with pleas for guidance, Nikki Maxwell, the school newspaper advice columnist, turns to her best friends for help