Randy Watts
Randy Watts was born in Carlisle and has resided here most of his life. He graduated from Carlisle High School and Shippensburg State College. He was the Fire Service Coordinator for Cumberland County, and for years he worked in the industrial insurance industry.
Randy was a certified instructor for the Pennsylvania State Fire Academy and has taught college level fire protection courses at the Harrisburg Area Community College. He has served as a volunteer firefighter in several communities, including Carlisle and Harrisburg.
He has published over four dozen books and booklet on local history covering a wide range of topics, including railroads, manufacturing and Carlisle history.
History of Fire Protection in Cumberland County PA Volume Two 1920-2020
History of Fire Protection in Cumberland County PA Volume Two 1920-2020
The final installment in local historian Randy Watt’s series chronicaling the history of the fire companies of Cumberland County, this book focuses on 1920 to present day, with special interest in fire companies formed since 1920 and changes to fire protection by municipality.