Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman (1960 - ) is a wonder of the literary world. He is a breaker of categories, because his writing is respectful of the possible audience, whether that audience is 8 or 18 or 48 or 98, male or female or somewhere in-between, die-hard fantasy reader or Common Reader or suspicious of words on a page, human or alien or somewhere in-between.
Gaiman is profoundly interested in myth and fairy tales, archetypes and companions of the id, the vast range of fantastic literature (folktales to ghost stories to pulp thumpers). He can be funny or precisely delicate or heart-wrenching or sly or terrifying to such an extent that there is no place to hide from the monsters. He has worked in graphic literature (the Sandman series), children's books, young adult fiction, fantasy, film, and the art of the audiobook. I mention the audio in particular because he often reads his own works, and once you hear him you are amazed that such an acting ability is from the same writer.
Coraline [Spanish edition]
Coraline [Spanish edition]
Al día siguiente de mudarse de casa, Coraline explora las catorce puertas de su nuevo hogar. Trece se pueden abrir con normalidad, pero la decimocuarta está cerrada y tapiada. Cuando por fin consigue abrirla, Coraline se encuentra con un pasadizo secreto que la conduce a otra casa tan parecida a la suya que resulta escalofriante. Sin embargo, hay ciertas diferencias que llaman su atención: la comida es más rica, los juguetes son tan desconocidos como maravillosos y, sobre todo, hay otra madre y otro padre que quieren que Coraline se quede con ellos, se convierta en su hija y no se marche nunca. Pronto Coraline se da cuenta de que, tras los espejos, hay otros niños que han caído en la trampa.