Steve Canyon Volume 19 1967-1968: Behind Enemy Lines

Steve Canyon Volume 19 1967-1968: Behind Enemy Lines


Stamp your passport for adventure, intrigue, and danger on your expedition to exotic locales with The Greatest Generation’s cartoonist-in-chief!

“Who am I?” “Where am I?” Steve is left with some thorny questions after posing as the leader of a Nazi resurgence organization and teaming with Minerva Kaol in an attempt to flush out this hate-mongering group. If that wasn’t a headache enough, guess who’s back from his stay in a Mongolian prison? Doagie Hogan, that’s who! Stateside, Poteet finds a new friend in young aviatrix Bitsy Beekman. Together they tackle drug smuggling, explore the upcoming Olympic games, and deal with the scourge of society—hippies! Milton Caniff offers his unique perspective of the war-torn world of 1967 and ’68 in Steve Canyon, Volume 11!

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